Age Related Hearing Loss Service

Patients aged 55 or over are now able to refer themselves to the age-related hearing loss service without the need for a GP referral.

If you are aged 55 or over and are experiencing hearing and communication difficulties and feel you might benefit from a hearing assessment and rehabilitation including the option of trying hearing aids, please complete the self-referral form below and give this to your chosen provider. Details of the providers available are included within the form.

Audiology Self-Referral Form (Adults)

If you suffer from earwax built up or suspect that you may have a build-up of earwax, please perform 2 weeks self-management as set out in the following information leaflet:

Blocked Ears (wax): A self-care guide for patients

Do not perform earwax removal if you have any of the following symptoms and seek advice from the practice nurse or your GP:

  • pain
  • discharge or bleeding from your ear
  • sudden deafness or buzzing sound, foreign bodies in your ear
  • dizziness

If you require wax removal at your assessment appointment, this will be provided only if the self-management steps have been followed.